Monday, February 1, 2016

Corrupted Mylo Animations

Mylo Idle

Mylo Idle Blinking

Mylo Bouncing

Mylo Idle to Angry

Mylo Angry Idle

Mylo Angry Idle Blink

Mylo Angry Bouncing

Mylo Jump Attack

Mylo to Stare Attack

Mylo Stare Attack

Monday, November 23, 2015

Sorell Back Idle, Cast and Running Animations

Sorell Idle

Sorell Casting

Sorell running v1

Sorell running v2
( Legs more bent )

Sorell Runningv3
- Stretched legs out more
- Hands more dynamic
- Increased movement of tailcoat
- Changed head sprite

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Gem boy Idle and casting Animations

Gem boy idle version 0

Gem boy idle 
( Added more sway and bouncyness to show more personality )

Gem boy idle sprite sheet
Gem boy idle with blinking 

Gem boy idle with blinking sprite sheet

Gem boy casting version 1

Gem boy casting version 2
( slower and feet adjust )

( Faster, scale change for hands and leg, adjusted arms )

Gem boy casting sprite sheet

Tuesday, October 20, 2015